We emulate Jesus in service to others. From our rich multicultural roots, we are forming a loving parish and school community.
Get involved in the Parish through MINISTRY! Use your time and talent to "LIVE YOUR FAITH."
Adult Confirmation: For those at least 19 years old, baptized Catholic and have received 1st Communion. Our program consists of 8 sessions and a retreat. Sessions are offered in the fall.
Altar Servers: Children can become altar servers after they have made their 1st Communion. Assist at weekend Masses, weddings, and funerals.
Children's Liturgy of the Word: During Sunday Mass, the readings are explained in terms which are easy for young children to understand. Older siblings are invited as helpers, and we always welcome new volunteers!
Collection Counters: Volunteers count our weekend collections on Monday mornings.
Daily Rosary: Members of our Parish meet in our Chapel daily at 2:30pm, Monday through Thursday, to pray the rosary.
Knights of Columbus: Catholic men's group whose mission is to support the church and to engage in works of charity to help those less fortunate.
Lectors: Lectors proclaim the first two readings and the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass. Training sessions are available.
Ministers of Communion: Communion Ministers assist the priest to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Training sessions are available.
Communion for the Homebound & Hospitalized: Communion Ministers distribute the Eucharist to those who are homebound or hospitalized.
Music Ministry: Open to all those who wish to sing in the choir or share their musical talent.
Parish Office Volunteers: During the week, volunteers help answer phones, greet the public and work on special projects. After the weekend Masses, volunteers help with parish registration, ministry signups, etc.
Parish School: Our parish school provides a challenging academic curriculum based on Catholic values for students from Pre-K through 8th grade. Guided by our Catholic Faith, the staff is dedicated to the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development of each student. Our school needs donors and volunteers to help with the success and growth of our school. Please call our school office at 505.243.5788 for more information on helping our school.
Religious Education: All children not attending a Catholic school are required to attend our spiritual formation program for kindergarten through high school students. Classes are held from August to May.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Process by which people become Roman Catholic. Rite is also offered for children at least 7 years of age in sessions separate from adults. Main topics: basic Catholic info., prayer, scripture, and service.
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Outreach ministry which assists those within our community in need of food, utiliies, and rent.
Ushers and Greeters: Volunteers provide hospitality before and after Mass by welcoming people and taking up the offertory collection.
Vietnamese Services: We have an active Vietnamese community. Bilingual English/Vietnamese Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 7:00PM. For more info., contact Deacon Paul Nguyen at 505.242.3462.
Welcome Committee: Volunteers welcome new members into our faith family on a montly basis.
Youth Ministry: Spiritual development and growth for youth. Our youth group meets monthly for social and spiritual gatherings that foster community, faith, and service.
To volunteer for any ministry, please contact the parish office at 505.242.3462 or stop by the parish office for more information.